Diocesan School for Girls

From Preschool through to Year 13

Diocesan School for Girls is a prestigious private school founded in 1903. Academically, we consistently rank in the top three schools in New Zealand.  

Boarders forge strong friendships and learn good study and work habits in a homely, safe and secure environment, to well structured routines, with caring adult support and supervision. Our boarding tradition embodies Diocesan’s founding vision and ongoing commitment to provide excellent pastoral care and enhance our students’ learning. Our boarding house caters for up to 57 Year 7 to 13 students from all over the country, as well as international students.


Diocesan has moved to an Online Learning Model

The Diocesan School Campus has now closed for the duration of the COVID-19 lock down and, from Thursday 26 March, all Dio students will begin online learning from home.

We have been working extremely hard over the past few weeks to ensure our online learning platform is suitable for full school learning and we are confident we have a strong and robust platform in place. Regular timetables will continue. Our teachers and staff are working from home during the lock down period, and as much as possible, the school is functioning as normal - if from within a virtual environment.

Term Dates for the remainder of this term and holidays are as follows:
Thursday 26 March – Wednesday April 8 – all students using online learning platform.
Thursday 9 April - Teacher Only Day
Friday 10 April (Good Friday) - School Holidays commence
Monday 27 April (ANZAC Day) - National Holiday
Tuesday 28 April - Term 2 begins, online learning recommences.

During this difficult time our thoughts are with all of the incredible people who are working in health, emergency and essential services.  We are grateful for your efforts and wish you well over the forthcoming weeks. We hope that you keep safe and protected from harm, thank you for being there for the rest of us.  

Be kind, keep well.

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